Why pick a luxembourger wine?

The region, people and tradition shape the wine. In our globalized world, the indication of origin is becoming more important again, emerging as more of an antithesis to the technically and often excellently produced but soulless wines, from all over the world.
Our terroir shapes our wines. Our tradition and strength are based on the unique character of our origin. One of the central keys to guarantee the quality of our wines and Crémants for the future is the orientation towards the internationally recognized principle of origin.

Interesting statistics
Mio. bottles of Crémant de Luxembourg are produced per year
1 295
hectares of vines are cultivated throughout the Luxembourg Moselle
wine companies are proud producers of wines & crémants from Luxembourg
Our luxembourger wines

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The new magazine of the IVV n°4Prost

The magazine of the IVV n°3Prost