Everyone has heard of Count Siegfried, who made a pact with the devil to build a castle and harass young women during their bath. Or of Jang de Beïmen, who founded the Schueberfouer and championed minorities so much that even the blind could join the army. Or the Klöpperkrieg, where young Luxembourgers fought not to order their coffee in French... But what do you really know about the history of Luxembourg? What actually happened in 963? When did the country belong to the Habsburgs, the French, the Spanish, the Austrians and what was the exact sequence? What was decided at the Congress of Vienna? And when did Luxembourg actually gain its independence? To save you the meticulous work of reading all this on Wikipedia, the theater collective Independent Little Lies invites you to their cabaret evening for rich and poor, young and old, mere mortals and even those who managed to stay awake during history class. So, even if you think you know it all, come by anyway! Who knows, you might actually learn something because here they all get revealed, these Little Lies about Independence. Featuring: Frédérique Colling and Jacques Schiltz. Text and staging developed in collaboration with: Claire Wagener and Maurice Sinner. Scene and costumes by Michèle Tonteling. Person with ideas: Antoine Lazzari. Production management: Jill Christophe. A production as part of the 30th anniversary of Independent Little Lies - ILL, in co-production with the Centre Culturel Régional Aalt Stadhaus Differdange and the CAPE-Centre des Arts Pluriels Ettelbruck, with the support of the Ministry of Culture and the City of Esch-sur-Alzette.
Good to know
Cast: Frédérique Colling and Jacques Schiltz. Text and direction: Claire Wagener and Maurice Sinner. Set and costumes: Michèle Tonteling. Production management: Jill Christophe. Co-production with the Centre Culturel Régional Aalt Stadhaus Differdange and the CAPE-Centre des Arts Pluriels Ettelbruck. Supported by the Ministry of Culture and the City of Esch-sur-Alzette.
Automatically translated from Luxembourgish.
Where does it take place?
Aalt Stadhaus
38 Av. Charlotte
4530 Differdange
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