Grand Meeting with Richard Malka and His Guest Philippe Val
Richard Malka is a lawyer at the Paris Bar. A specialist in press law, he has defended Charlie Hebdo since its creation in 1992. He is also involved in the literary and comic world, and is the author of several essays such as Le traité d’intolérance and Le droit d’emmerder Dieu. In his new work Après Dieu published in the collection Une nuit au musée, Richard Malka goes to the Pantheon to talk with Voltaire.
For this exceptional meeting, he invites writer and essayist Philippe Val, former director of Charlie Hebdo and France Inter, on stage. He is the author of Dictionnaire philosophique d'un monde sans Dieu, Rire, and Tu finiras clochard comme ton Zola.
Where does it take place?
Théâtre de Thionville
30 boulevard Foch
57100 Thionville
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