Publication date: 2018-03-27
Did we ask you if you were on time this weekend because of the time change?
Well, we know two three who did not have our memo and who found themselves in a very funny situation ?
Indeed, we know that the SNCF has a habit of making us live strong enough emotions : often boredom, sometimes annoyance but in this case, it was very funny! In Picardy, the passengers of a train have been afflicted with the fate that many users of the SNCF undergo daily: the delay of their train. However, here the reason is quite amazing: the driver forgot to switch to daylight saving time. The local clock was not changed, the delay was up to 50 minutes (we think it made them laugh only 5 minutes thought ?).
So, does that mean that it is a good idea to advance the clocks of the locals to get trains on time? Who knows ? ?
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