Publication date: 2019-06-12
A cool little program to celebrate the National Day 🇱🇺
You know what we are talking about : the party that every self-respecting Luxembourger adores and the event long awaited for you big party animal! Like every year, Luxembourg doesn't do things by half way during the National Day: it must be said, we know how to celebrate in Luxembourg and we prove it every year thanks to this event not to be missed which starts on the 22nd after -midday. Did-you know it's the moment we celebrate the Grand-Duke's birthday ?
As a specialist in the going out ideas that we are, we have created a program so fresh and so clean to celebrate the country as it should be:
The festivities will begin throughout the country with the solemn relief of the guard in front of the Grand Ducal Palace.
You have a child's soul? Gambol in the streets of Luxembourg with a torch in hand during the Fackelzuch(torchlight procession, departure 21h20) 🔥.
Let the party begin!
Now it's time to take part in the giant party that the City of Luxembourg has organized just for you! Because for the occasion, all the streets become pedestrian, and turn into a huge open air bar (please Mother Nature, be kind!) Sprinkled with free concerts, DJs and dancefloord on every street corner to welcome your steps of pro dancer (Frank Sinatra come out of this body!).
For food lovers (we never miss the call), the local specialties will obviously be there, a beer wann ech gelift! 🍻
The best spots to see the Fireworks 🎆
23h ... moment we all waited for! As for admiring the great fireworks shot from the Adolphe bridge, we have prepared a selection of the best spots to not miss a crumb of the show (17mn, wow!):
- In the center - Place de la Constitution: the spot to find all your friends
- In Gare area (on the forecourt): clear view guaranteed!
- In Hollerich area
- The Parc des Trois Glands: the good plan for those who prefer to see the festivities a little further
The city remains completely closed for the occasion, on this national day, you will start with an official ceremony at the Luxembourg Philharmonie (10am), followed by the gun salute (11am) and a military parade in the district of Kirchberg (12h), where you will have the chance to see the Grand Duke's family. In the afternoon, the traditional Te Deum is celebrated at Notre-Dame Cathedral at 4.30 pm.
If you're all disappointed because you did not cross the Grand Duke and your children are currently screaming to death in your ears, no stress, here's the Spillfest !
A playful world created for the little ones. The program, full of creative workshops and games out of the ordinary which your munchkins (and even you) will enjoy around all the other small players in the area. At the program: unusual awakening games, sound games, video games and more, are offered by international professionals.
The Spillfest takes place at the Kinnekswiss Park, Avenue de la Porte-Neuve, Luxembourg.
Our little finger tells us that we too will be in the little corner 🙈
How to move during the weekend?
Throughout the weekend, the city is very difficult to access by car, so start your BM-double-feet, and impress your friends with your good plans of free shuttle buses thanks to Supermiro.
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