Publication date: 2019-07-11
The party you really don’t want to miss 💃
On July 6th, the traditionally very wise Philharmonic of Luxembourg wants to end their great season like nobody else! For the occasion, they put on a light show and turn their place into a super hype nightclub they call “End-of-Season Party”! All the night owls like you are welcome of course 🎉
Everything is thought to help you have the time of your life and spend an evening that is pure fiiiiire! You’ll be able to shake your booty on the rhythm and sounds of the best of the best electro DJs, until the end of the night or the early hours of the morning, as you wish! Your friends are going to be sooo jealous of your dance moves. 🕺🏻 Ready? What if we plan a dance contest to see who’s the King of the dancefloor? We’re waiting for you!
If you planned to spend your Saturday night laying on the bed and watching series with your other half, you’ll have to wait for next week! 🔥
What’s on for this fire party?
So, now that you know the basics, you already know you’re gonna have fun. It’s now time to focus on all the things that are waiting for you. Stay focused, it’s right below: ⬇️
🎶 21h : Katy De Jesus (Family Unit)
🎶 23h : Sonja Moonear (Ruta5)
🎶 01h : Anja Schneider (Sous Music)
🎶 03h : Nicole Moudaber (Mood Records)
🎶 05h : It’s time to go to bed after you danced all the night! Oh yeeeeah!
So? Doesn’t it look like something you’d want to go to?
It’s time to put your dance shoes & your best outfit on, practice your dance moves and get ready for the best night of your life. We count on you to spread the party mood around you. The King of the dancefloor is you, or us, we’ll see 😎
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