Publication date: 2019-08-28
Get your first free babysitting with Supermiro and Bsit
Get your first free access to a babysitting with Supermiro and Bsit , the babysitting app When the # 1 app of trusted babysitting partners with supermiro to take better care of your free time.
Imagine, it is the inauguration of a new pizzeria that you dream to test. You discovered it via Supermiro and the top is that a few steps away is the bar that has been watching for months and serves you mojitos of madness. It does not need more to embark darling in the adventure! Let's go for a romantic evening, the one you needed to reboost your spirits after this week not folichonne office.
And hop, easy, we will ask beautiful mom to keep the little monsters, it will please him 🙈
You pick up your phone and you expose your plan of the perfect evening to darling, everything seems great - except a point: nobody is available to keep the little ones - WHAT TO DO ???
Well that's where Supermiro enters again to save your evening! We offer you a great service Bsit to find the trusted babysitter of your area that will take your loulous in an incredible adventure without even leaving your nest.
Do not leave us immediately, there is a promo code at the end of this article.
If you are looking for a trusted babysitter for a regular guard, to get the little monsters back from school for example, Bsit is also there to meet your needs! Do not hesitate to specify it in your search.
The principle is super simple and safe , because you are more than a parent and you deserve to have time, Bsit offers to find trusted babysitters who live near you according to your needs .
And not just any sittors, those recommended by your friends, your family, your circle of trust (schools, sports clubs, colleagues, associations ...) and the Bsit community :
* DIPLOMAS AND CERTIFICATES OF ABILITIES Choose the right profiles for your needs, from student to childcare professionals
* GEOLOCALIZED RESULTS To find the pearl hidden at the corner of the street
* ALL TYPES OF GUARDS Casual, regular, long-term or last-minute guards
* PAYMENT VIA APP OR CASH No need for money, you pay your Sitters online if you wish
Thanks to Supermiro, the personal assistant who takes care of your free time and to Bsit, the service that finds you babysitters of confidence according to your needs , you just have to go out!
Download Bsit , and use it and enjoy free access with the code: SUPERMIRO
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