Publication date: 2020-11-02
Luxembourg-city cancels several events
After the cancellation of its Christmas market, Luxembourg-city is restricting several sporting and cultural events because of the pandemic. Like many cities.
Luxembourg-city no longer has the heart to party. The Covid-19 forces him to cancel many demonstrations. She announced this morning in a press release that the MusiqCITE intercultural and musical meetings, scheduled for December 11, will not take place. The same goes for the Aktioun Bambësch, leisure activities for children during school holidays. The cultural centers will remain closed from Sunday, November 1 and until further notice.
Literary Tuesdays end until December 15 inclusive. The human chain as part of Orange Week, against violence against women, scheduled for November 25, will not take place either.
On the sport side, the courses given indoors as part of "Sports for all" stop until further notice, those outdoors continue. The Kockelscheuer ice rink is closed until further notice, except for club and school training.
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