Publication date: 2017-12-20
The best things about the flu !
Your colleague has the flu, he spits litteraly on your face and you are terrified of the idea of catching this damn virus for the holidays. And that's the joy of open space working. But do not worry, we are here to find you all the tricks to avoid this bacteria like a ninja !
First precaution : eat spicy, but like, the super spicy kind. That way, the pepper will be able to burn your body and to scare away all the bad bacteria. So you can take trip to our theme : travel in the kitchen to make your choice!
Second precaution : Spa, sauna & relax yourself, this is the formula that we advise you to do : sit quietly in a small bubble of happiness and cocooning to relax and refuel.
Aah aaaah aaatchoum ! We can also obber you go to get warb ! So go warm your butt when it's freezing outside, around a good hot chocolate or a good hot tea to make sweat aaaaaaallll the small viruses of your body all freezed.
That's it and if not, you can also walk with your anti-bacterial gel to limit the damage :-)
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